Saturday, May 26, 2012


Finally went to see Battleship today and I was pleasantly surprised.  The effects were pretty good, the story was good (just don't think too much about it) and the whole courage under fire theme was admirable.  I liked it because it turns the loose cannon guy into a heroe and forces him to become a leader because others are counting on him.  All in all, i didn't notice the 2 hr plus time that we spent in the theatre (plus, it wasn't too crowded).

South Texas Heritage Center

The entrance to the center

Another interactive exhibit

Me and Mr Burro
The Witte Museum is opening a new building this week--the South Texas Heritage Center.  We went to check it out on Thursday since it was a Members' Preview day, well, Wednesday and Thursday,and it was pretty good.  My impression:  that this is the museum of the future.  It had all kinds of interactive exhibits, hands-on, audio, multimedia, the works.  There's a life size statue of an old time freighter at the entrance that welcomes visitors, i mean, literally welcomes them.  "HI, welcome visitors"--it's an audio recording and the head of the guy is superimposed so that the mouth and eyes move.  It's cool, but also creepy.  Throughout the building there's all kinds of art, and stories of people who helped shaped the area.  Some have a button to push and a hologram comes out telling his story.  The ribbon cutting ceremony was this morning but we couldn't make it, it's the official opening to the public.  They also have live historical recreations and actors dressed in period clothing through out the place that you can talk to and ask questions and they'll be more than glad to tell you 'who they are' and their stories. It's pretty cool, i liked it and highly recommend it, especially since this is a long holiday weekend and the summer coming up, something to do with the family.
One of the video exhibits, you press a button to activate
A live historical demonstration

Another live demonstration, a flutist

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Recent block party

Flowers for the hostess
Saturday we had a block party at our place, just a few friends/neighbors getting together for drinks/snacks.  It was just a way to get to know each other better and keep in touch. Case in point, our next door neighbors had no idea that one of our neighbor's mother had passed away some time ago. I'm sure they would have sent flowers or condolences but he didn't tell anyone. Oh well, the evening was a success and everyone went away satisfied at having to get to know one another. We made plans for a National Night Out gathering on October 2. Hope it works out because we never do anything in this block to commemorate the occasion (maybe Mayor Castro will show up). Well, one can hope, can't we?

Glen Campbell will bring 'The Goodbye Tour' to the Majestic Theatre

Glen Campbell will bring 'The Goodbye Tour' to the Majestic Theatre

Sunday, May 13, 2012

San Antonio Rampage

Last week I went to my first hockey game which is unusual because I've never been to a sporting event (okay, once I went to a Missions game) but I thought I'd give it a try. I mean, I think hockey's pretty interesting, was the playoffs but unfortunately they lost.  That's okay, i had was an exciting game. I'll probably go to another one soon,  you never know...Let's go Rampage!
Ready to play

Video view

San Antonio Rampage

Rampage mascot

Culinaria: Wine & Food Arts Festival May 16-20

Culinaria: Wine & Food Arts Festival May 16-20

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Luminaria 2012

Mayor Castro addressing the crowd
After being rescheduled from March, Luminaria finally went off without a hitch.  The opening ceremony started while it was still light out so some of the exhibits weren't available yet if they involved light but there was plenty else to do in the meantime. After the necessary speeches by Mayor Castro and the coordinators of the event, an air horn blew confetti onto the spectators and amid shouts of 'Viva Luminaria' the night officially began.
Shower of confetti

Urban 15 performed
The full moon was gorgeous that night
 The night's festivities weren't scheduled to end until 1:00am but by 10:00pm we were out of there. It was a pretty good night as it had every type of art represented: from music, to lyrical and paintings. Another successful Luminaria. Arts in San Antonio is alive and well.
The entrance to Hemisfair Park lighted for the occassion